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College of Plant ProtectionBrief introduction

The predecessors of the College of Plant Protection include the Department of Plant Diseases and Pests, Agricultural College of Shandong University, the Department of Plant Pathology and Entomology, Shandong Agricultural College and a part of the Agricultural College of Qilu University. In 1952, when the national department was adjusted, it was merged into the Department of Plant Diseases and Pests of Shandong Agricultural College. In 1954, it was renamed the Department of Plant Protection. In December 2000, it was withdrawn from the Department and established the College of Plant Protection. With the joint efforts of several generations of faculty and staff, the discipline construction has developed rapidly, and has achieved fruitful results in the cause of rejuvenating Shandong through science and education and rejuvenating the country through science and education.

The College has six departments: Department of Plant Pathology, Department of Entomology, Department of Pesticides, Department of Tobacco, Department of Forest Conservation and Utilization of Fungi Resources; Postdoctoral Research Flow Station of Plant Conservation, Ph.D. Points of Phytopathology, Agricultural Insects and Pest Control, Pesticides, Mycology and Tobacco. There are seven master's degree authorization points in plant pathology, agricultural insect and pest control, pesticides, forest conservation, mycology, tobacco and plant protection, with 383 postgraduates; there are plant protection, pharmaceutical engineering, animal and plant quarantine, tobacco, forest protection (direction of pest control), forest protection (direction of bacterial resources and utilization). Six undergraduate majors, 1470 undergraduates.

There are 90 faculty members, including 1 academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2 Taishan scholars, 30 professors and 24 associate professors. Among them, there are 6 special allowances granted by the State Council, 1 young and middle-aged expert with outstanding contributions from the State, 2 talented persons in the national project of tens of millions of people, 1 scientist in the technical system of large-scale vegetable industry, 1 chief scientist in the national vegetable egg fungus, 1 outstanding talented person in the new century of the Ministry of Education, 1 famous teaching teacher at the provincial level, 1 outstanding teacher in Shandong Province, and 1 outstanding teacher in the national and provincial agricultural industry There are 10 post experts, 3 top-notch professionals in Shandong Province, 3 young and middle-aged professionals with outstanding contributions in Shandong Province, and 4 post experts in the innovation team of modern agricultural industry technology system in Shandong Province. Special Professor post of Taishan Scholar was established in the discipline of plant pathology. It has the innovative team of Taishan scholars of plant pathology, the innovative team of hired professors of entomology, the rebuilding of key disciplines of plant pathology at provincial level, the rebuilding of key disciplines of Entomology at provincial level, the rebuilding of key disciplines of pesticides at provincial level, and the Shandong Tobacco Disease and Pest Research Center. With the support of the school, nearly ten million yuan was invested in the construction of the Key Laboratory of Agricultural Microbiology. The experimental center has 15 laboratories, including specimen rooms for insects, plant diseases and weeds, pesticide processing laboratories, plant protection stations, plant protection parks and insect breeding test sites, and has set up 205 experimental projects. The experimental center has a total area of 1766 square meters, more than 2400 instruments and equipment, with a total value of more than 23.5 million yuan. With these conditions, various teaching and scientific research tasks have been successfully completed.

Scientific research has made considerable progress, presiding over or participating in more than 150 national and ministerial research projects such as 863 and the National Natural Fund, more than 80 provincial research projects such as provincial natural funds and tackling key scientific and technological problems, more than 100 department-level and horizontal joint research projects, and 4 international cooperation projects. Over the past four years, he has won one second prize for national scientific and technological progress, one first prize for Shandong scientific and technological progress, three second prizes for Shandong scientific and technological progress, and one second prize for Shandong scientific and technological invention, with a total project cost of more than 6 million yuan. He has published more than 600 papers in journals at all levels, of which more than 300 are included in SCI. The College has continuously strengthened cooperation and exchanges with universities at home and abroad. It has established long-term mutual visits and cooperation with scholars from some famous universities in Sweden, France, the United States, Israel, the United Kingdom and Japan.

The College has always placed teaching at the center, adhering to the advanced concept of running a school, adhering to the student-oriented, highlighting the cultivation of students'innovative ability, and promoting the continuous improvement of students' comprehensive quality. Strengthen the construction of teachers and the reform of curriculum system, strengthen the matching construction of teaching materials and teaching conditions, improve the quality of teaching, obtain many excellent results in the evaluation of teaching work in the whole school, improve the level of running a school and the quality of personnel training, and form a good style of study. Many enterprises have set up enterprise scholarships and grants in the college. Graduates of undergraduate course ranked among the top schools in the past 20 years, with an annual average of more than 50% and a maximum of 72.6%. The employment rate of students has been at the top of the whole school, which has been above 95% in recent years. So far, more than 8,000 graduates have worked in teaching, scientific research, technology promotion, enterprise management and party and government management posts, some of them have become academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences or have assumed provincial and departmental leadership posts.

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